Just a few minutes ago our class received an email instructing us to check our "pigeonholes" (do I love the Brit lingo or what?) - contained therein, according to this email, would be our class portraits, a new calendar, and... drum roll please... CHOCOLATE! To welcome us to the school!
Yesssssssssssss! I love being an MBA student! Free chocolate!
A friend of mine went up to grab our chocolate while I watched our laptops, and came back a few minutes later with... nothing. For me, that is.
She got her chocolate, and her pictures, and her new calendar. But nothing for me.
Is there anything more devastating than being promised free chocolate in the middle of a sleepy afternoon and then NOT GETTING IT IN YOUR PIGEONHOLE?!
I think the dude in the pigeonhole beneath mine took my stuff by accident. So I emailed him. And have not yet heard back. And now I am obsessively checking my email every 30 seconds to see if he has given me the green light to go take
his chocolate. Which I might do anyway.
Good thing I'll have a Guinness in my hand in about 20 minutes (to celebrate our Beer Game victory). Otherwise there would really be trouble.