Friday, September 12, 2008

Welcome to Miz MBA!

Hello there!

Jen here. I'm a 27-year-old American with a professional background in not-for-profit fundraising. I moved to London in January 2008 and will be commencing an MBA program here in the UK in - GULP - 9 days.

My MBA process has been a rollercoaster of introspection, insecurity, intimidation, excitement, nerdiness, creativity, challenges, boredom, breakdowns, and the occasional triumph - all of which has already put me in debt, with tens of thousands of dollars of debt to (over)come.

But I could not feel more confident in my choice in graduate degree.

Of course, we'll see how I'm feeling in a couple of weeks, and in a couple of months, and in a year.
Which is why I'm here. I hope that this blog will reach you prospective MBA students - women in particular (no offense, guys, but we chicks have our own challenges to face in this process) - and help you figure out if an MBA is the right degree for you. And if it is, I hope you'll be less intimidated than I was in taking it on.

I hope this blog will also reach current MBA students and recent MBA grads - and I hope you ladies will offer your opinions and advice in the comments section. Even better, email me at mizgrad{at} to be featured on this site!

Cheers, ladies! I look forward to your arrival at Miz MBA!