Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wherefore art thou MBA?

So this is it. My final week before commencing my MBA. The two-and-a-half-year process of GMAT prep, applications, and decisions decisions decisions is finally coming to an end.

Though really, when I think about it, this has been more like a six-year process. When I graduated from college, I thought I wanted to be an archaeologist and looked into PhD programs. When I realized that I was not meant to be the next Mrs. Indiana Jones, I thought perhaps a master's degree in Museum Education or Public Administration would be best.

But the longer I both worked and volunteered for various non-profits throughout New York City, the more often I thought to myself, "I could run this place better than these people... well, if I knew anything about adminstrating a business." Eureka! And a Master's in Business Administration is the degree that stuck.

I have doubted myself many times and in many ways throughout my grad school process, but I have never once doubted that the MBA is the degree for me. I am passionate about the non-profit world, and a few causes in particular, and I have seen too many people waste too much energy trying to do good things for the world through disoranized organizations. So while I feel that there does need to be a balance between functioning like a business and maintaining the heart of a non-profit, I think non-profits have a lot to gain from becoming a little more business-minded.

So that's why I'm here. Now, we'll see where I go.

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